Author. Medium. Lightworker. Empath. Reiki Master.


Thoughts and Inspiration

My Orbs Have Moved

I had written awhile back a blog about Orbs.  A large circular transparent tube with Orbs inside had been hanging out in my garage since May.  It spanned two spaces out of four; it covered my car and our French Exchange students MG.  Well it’s moved into my great room and now spans the entire space.  I keep meditating and asking all my spiritual friends what they are getting on why they are hanging out in my house now.  It feels protective. It does not scare me in any way.  It feels positive. 

Orbs have been around my property since we moved in.  I first saw evidence of their presence when we took pictures of our newly erected barn wall, five years ago.  Next to my son, two orbs showed up in the film.  Now we have security cameras that slow the energetic field down enough that I can see them all the time in the moniters.  We have a herd of them in the tack room.  Every morning and evening when the light starts to change, they are move in toward the outer wall and go somewhere.  In the loft of the barn, they fly in a random, chaotic manner as if there is an emergency going on at all times. 

If anyone else has had experience with Orbs, or know what the large tube over my family is doing, please let me know.  It would be helpful to know.  Otherwise, until then, stay tuned to the miracles and signs around you.  They are everywhere.  In love and light.

Rebecca Reitz