Author. Medium. Lightworker. Empath. Reiki Master.


Thoughts and Inspiration

My Rebecca Rosen Reading

There were 350 people packed into a theatre style venue last night when our table got personal readings from Rebecca Rosen at the Soiled Dove here in Denver.  For those of you who don’t know her, she is a pscyhic medium and New York Times Bestselling author of Spirited.  She just wrote, or should I say channeled, another book called Awaken the Spirit Within.   Her skills are amazing.   Last night, she said stuff that shocked me, and rendered me speechless a few times. And this happened in front of a boat load of strangers. 

Let me explain.  She talked a long time yet a few things really stuck with me.  She asked if  I have heard a low buzzing in my ears.  It happens multiple times a day, and has happened for over tens years.  Hardly anyone knows this about me.  Totally cool.  She said it was the Universe communicating with me.  Next she asked if I was being awakened at four in the morning.  I had to admit, I had.  That is when the veil between the two worlds is thin, she said, allowing better communications between the two worlds.  That is when your loved ones or guidance can easily come through.  I knew that.  It is just not something the average bear   volunteers during a conversation. 

She inquired about a  diabolical cat we adopted who had spent close to six months at the shelter.  My parents were behind the adoption she claimed.  It made sense since it was way out of character for me.  She asked about my brother by name, who has fallen off the face of my earth since July and knew that he was self-medicating his painful journey in this life time.  By the way, that is what her second book is about.  You  must read it.  She suggests that many of us are sleepwalking through life and not living to our full potential.  She also offers that we have created our own lives, everything in it.  “Look around” she said.  “You are responsbile for your life.”

But really, the best part of the reading was when she told me that my dad was proud of me and wanted me to continue my work. It motivated me to get up and write another blog today.   And by the way, last night, my guides didn’t even wait until four in the morning to wake me.  They started at one-thirty.  They had a lot to say.

Rebecca Reitz