Author. Medium. Lightworker. Empath. Reiki Master.


Thoughts and Inspiration

The Marlboro Man Still Exists

Last night at a charity event, I met a dashing rancher who reminded me of the Marlboro Man from the sixties.  When I explained that I write a finance column for a women’s magazine and that my goal is to empower women both financially and spiritually, he introduced me to his equaling stunning wife.  They run an agricultural business nestled somewhere in Boulder county with horses and cattle plus a few other ventures. 

He asked me to repeat to his wife how my intention was to unravel the complexity of  finance and investing for the female population.  We both wanted her to know that it did not need to be a daunting task.  Where along the way did we, as women, get the message that financial matters are not worth knowing?  That it is mans work? That is is boring? It is too complex?   The answers to all of those questions are that it depends. 

It took me several examples of being ripped off by unscrupulous advisers to learn more about the financial field.  That is when I started to read and take notice of the resources out there to help me be informed.  At Colorado State University, my report card only listed five B’s over four years and one was in Microeconomics.  My childish brain never thought that math or anything numerical at all would be a part of my future.  I was so wrong.

My career path took an unscrupulous turn a few years out of college after earning a degree in Human and Family Studies with a Minor in Psychology.  Opening mail at an insurance company led to close to 30 years in the financial industry. Here are the lessons  I learned along the way. 

1) Approach Wall Street like you are eating an elephant; one bite at a time

2) Equities are my favorite asset class and the best way to make bank

3) Diversification is essential in any portfolio of investments

4) Keep records on assets in writing and stored in one safe place

5) Disciplined behavior around money is essential

6) Those with earned and retained wealth will live below their means

and finally, the very best lesson I learned of all,

7) Finance can be fun and empowering if you just give it a chance.

 Here is a link to some of my work .

Thanks for reading.

Rebecca Reitz