Author. Medium. Lightworker. Empath. Reiki Master.




Whenever someone asks me why I write about twins, I almost giggle. Not because it is a silly question but because it wasn’t my choice.

Let me explain.

It was my choice, yet I was prodded by a source far wiser than I will ever be.

Back in 2009 my health took a turn for the worse. Mostly due to stress and my inability to handle it or transcend it. The country was coming off a mortgage crisis and TARP sent my life into a trajectory that was incongruent with the entire purpose of why I am here on earth.

At work I had to reapply for my job. Being in a protected group, they walked gingerly around me. We all were walking on eggshells, not knowing what changes were coming next, who was laid off, who was no longer relevant. I already sucked at dealing with the culture of the large financial firms that required you to conform, look pretty, and keep your mouth shut.

Frankly, folks, I sucked at two of the three.  

Coping mechanisms were not my strong suit during the changeover. So, I read books. Novels. Mysteries. Masters. Thrillers. Paranormal. I would read on average of 200 books a year in productive times. Then something incredibly odd happened. The next thirty-six books I picked up to read were about twins or had a reference to twins. Sometimes it was a minor role but they were there like a beacon calling me to pay attention.

So, it made me wonder. Why? Why do I keep seeing twins? Reading about twins? I found out my dad’s sister had twins in the forties that died. Then I found out that my sister and brother used to be called twins since they were so similar in their looks and heights. They were nearly Irish twins. Any way. So, I started meditating asking for advice from the spirit or my own guides.

And guess what they told me?

Write books. Thirty of them. You will be chronicling a set of twins that were split up after they lost their family on the Andrea Doria. Born in Italy, raised in Boston. Interview the protagonist. Find out her story and write it.

My first thought was who can write thirty books at this stage of life?

Despite the news, I started finding out as much as I could about the character Rose Toffoli who had been such an integral part of my life since getting that message. I love her like a daughter. And no, she is not me. She is only part of me. The part about feeling abandoned by the Catholic church is me. Getting pregnant in high school…me. Clairvoyance, clairsentience…me. Precognitive dreams are also me. But Rose is her own self. She is smart, she is fearless and considerate. I was none of those when I was a teenager. 

Rose is essentially an introvert. I used to be an extrovert but have retreated into myself and my writing so much that now I am less inclined to want to be around people.

Rose, named after the highest vibrational flower in the world, was an only child being raised by two sets of adults.  Being one of nine children, I often would fantasize about that…being the only one. Well, guess what?  It has its challenges too.

So fast forward eleven years and now I have twin grand babies. My sister has twin grand babies. My son is seriously dating a triplet. Do you believe me now? It happened that way. It happens to many of us yet some of us just never catch on. Twins and the paranormal are what I write about now. My third in the series should be out by early next year. I hope you’ll pick up one of my books or give me a shot.

So, there it is. All on the table. For the world to see and possibly judge. That is why every day I sit down at my computer and hang out with Rose, her twin Ollie, and her best friend Henry.

Thanks for reading. 

Lisa Ford