Author. Medium. Lightworker. Empath. Reiki Master.


Thoughts and Inspiration

Why I Turned Off the News

When I first met my husband, he turned on the news from the moment he walked in the room. Me, on the other hand, could only stand small doses of what I considered to be biased bull that focused on the tragedy’s in the world. Being an empath, which is someone who picks up other’s emotions and pain, I couldn’t stand to listen to the diatribes each day.

The reason I turned it off was that it affected me deeply; and not in a good way. It crippled me to listen to all those suffering in the world. I can, and will, cry when I see someone in pain. And, add violent movies to the list. Too much violence petrifies me. I cover my eyes or walk out of the room. Did I say I avoid scary too?

Please do not misunderstand me. I am not complaining. I am just saying some of us, you know who you are, cannot watch television unless it has the feel-good factor. I can watch documentaries until the cows come home. Reality television? Sign me up. I love nothing more than doing a marathon on a series that twists and turns with all the human elements that make us people. I love studying history and what motivates us to behave in repeatable and predictable manners.

Any way, instead of watching television, I say a prayer of gratitude each morning and evening before I go to sleep. I list all the people, places, body parts, and blessings I am grateful for. When I do, I feel joy instead of trepidation. I feel relief instead of anxiety. I feel peace instead of war. Try it. Give it a week, a month, or even a day. Check in and see if you don’t feel better. It worked for me and it can work for you too.

Rebecca Reitz