Author. Medium. Lightworker. Empath. Reiki Master.



Letting Go

One truth the pandemic taught me was to let go.

To give up, say goodbye, and step back from all that no longer matters in my life. It has become a time

to embrace what is working. It feels remarkable.

Over the last sixteen months, I have literally changed my personality. Every morning upon awakening,

instead of jumping out of bed and taking a shower, or turning on the news, I take a few moments to

review all the elements of my life that deserve my gratitude. High on my list is my legs, my heart, my

brain, my feet and hands. All the body parts that make my existence meaningful. It may seem to some

that is redundant.

Perhaps a better list is my husband, my home, my animals, or my family? I am grateful for those

teachers, too.

Yet think about it this way: when was the last time those body parts were unable to work? When was

your schedule severely affected by the flu, a torn meniscus, or gout? When were you last so tired you

could not get out of bed or keep any food down? Or you had to run to the toilet?

The last time I got injured was a few years when I got kicked by our seventeen-hand thoroughbred,

Norman. Horse lovers know that these animals are very deliberate and are quite accurate in their aim.

Luckily for me, he caught my frame in the soft tissue of my upper arm. The force though, sent me flying.

The wind was knocked clean out of my chest. It was some wake-up call.

Unfortunately, the damage was such that it took weeks for the bruise to fade and the injury to heal.

Washing my hair, lifting groceries, and trying to cook and clean the house were impossible. The best

part was no burpees or push-ups for a few months. As painful as it was, it is in times of injury that we

remember how crucial each part of our body is and why we should take great care to keep every system


That is partially why I gave up hard alcohol and now my fav COVID drink, Prosecco. What it does to the

human body is so debilitating, the only decision I could make was to say au revoir. Did you know when

your friends are slurring after a few shots that it is because the tongue has absorbed so much ethanol it

is swollen? It affects your brain, your kidneys, your lungs and the liver. These are all part of the

autonomic nervous system and are meant to work without you having to tell them to.

Did you know it affects your immune system? Another reason to cut back, stop, or rest during a

pandemic. Daily drinkers are increasing their chances of cancer of the mouth, the throat, the esophagus,

the liver, the colon and the rectum. Over time excessive drinking can leave to chronic conditions such as

heart disease, digestive issues, and high blood pressure.

Need I say more? These are all the reasons why hard alcohol will no longer pass my lips.

Next place to start cleaning up was my closets and drawers. My husband and I cleaned out files,

bookcases, drawers, camping gear, and the entire garage. We gave away boxes full of treasures to

others who could use it more than we could. We have emptied sections of our spaces and reorganized

them to make them more useable. It has been a ton of work. At times it has been daunting. Yet overall,

it has been liberating. It has been so worthwhile. It was time to let go and recycle.

The other part of my life I gave up and changed was family and friends that are toxic. How do you do

that, you might ask? A good rule of thumb to follow, is to ask yourself how you feel when you talk to

that person, see them, or think of them. If it is less than positive, ask yourself why and make steps to

move away from any person, place, or thing that no longer serves you. During meditation, I send them

love and wave goodbye to them, telling their higher selves our time on earth as been complete.

And yes, this may be your in-laws or your siblings, cousins or parents. My take is that some people are

not able to be saved. They cannot get out of their own way which is paved with pain and the past. When

a person brings up something you did twenty years ago, RUN.

Take it from me, blood does not matter as much as connection. Talk to, phone up, connect with only

those peeps who make you happy. Siblings are there to teach us mostly about ourselves. They are acting

as mirrors to our behaviors to better understand our behaviors and to let go of the past. To teach us to

let go of our triggers and our patterns of destruction. Most of what we remember is tainted by our

emotions and our minds replaying the aggrievance over and over. We could all witness the same familial

event and see distinct aspects. It is human nature. Let go and feel okay about it.

Another part of my life that I do not miss is the heavy social calendar. Gratefully, I’ve not missed

concerts, stadiums full of screaming fans, five lanes of packed cars both directions, long lines at the

DMV, or people who never washed their hands. I embrace delivered groceries, eating at home more

often, small gatherings, and meaningful conversations. I only see the people who matter and have

something of value to add to the world.

I have fired all the takers, the judgers, the time-stealers who are too self-consumed to know that they

are on my list to abolish from my life. They are clueless they are listed on the paper I plan to burn on the

full moon.

I am energetically waving goodbye to all those who are too narcissistic to care and are more concerned

with their emerging gray strands or dying their hair blond or that extra pound or two that caused the

small belly that has popped up in their middle section.

Goodbye, I say.

Find another sucker to complain to, cry to or criticize behind their back. It is time to take back your life.

Take back your calendar, your schedule, your pride.

Be the person you want to date.

Be the person you want to marry.

Be the person you want to hang out with.

Be the best you.

Own it.

Lisa FordComment